Does the mirror define your beauty and who you are? Are you desperately striving for the world’s "perfect image" of outer beauty? Or have you given up trying, realizing you’ll never be "good enough?"
It’s time to look deeper, past the surface. It’s time to find your true beauty!
Get practical, real-life, biblical advice for the issues you deal with every day…
Body Image. Beauty. Fashion. Sex. Dating. Self Esteem. Relationships.
Will you dare to look deeper?
If you do, you will find that there is so much more. More than what your mirror has for you. More than what Hollywood and the media has for you. More than what any guy can give you. When you look deeper, you’ll find true satisfaction, true beauty and true intimacy waiting for you. Jesus is inviting you to take this journey with Him.
Will you accept?
...This Book Could Change Your Life!
"I'm already half way through the book and it's amazing. So far it's been answering a lot of questions I've had. When I'm done with it, I'm going to let my best friend Jenn read it too. We always share our books with each other if they're good because we love to read."
-- Mandy, 14 years old
Shelley Hitz knows just what to say to today’s teens. She hits on all the vital issues they deal with on a regular basis. She has the answer to these issues and shares in such a personal way that challenges one to examine their heart and do something about it.
-- Debbi Witt, Co-Founder/Associate Director of Teen Quest (
Powerful, Relevant, and Necessary...
"As an adult, I find that I need to be reminded of my worth in God’s eyes, especially in the middle of a world that gives so many unfulfilling methods to find our value. Not only do I think that this book is great for teen girls (the primary target audience), but as a youth leader, I think this book is a fantastic resource for anyone working with teen girls, because it covers so many relevant topics."
-- Bethel Groves, Author of Beyond Your Wardrobe
Wow. This is an awesome resource for girls. Praise God!
-- S'ambrosia, author of
“Mirror, Mirror: Am I Beautiful?” by Shelley Hitz is one of the best books I have read this year, and I am not just saying that because I am writing a review about it either! Not only is this book enjoyable to read, but it is also easy to read. Shelley Hitz wrote the book to minister to girls about finding their true beauty in Christ. Throughout the book she offers advice, encouragement, prayers and Bible verses to back up the points she makes.
I am encouraged by this book. It is refreshing to read a book that speaks about things I have struggled with, such as self-esteem and confidence with who God made me to be."
"What a great message!!! As women, it is so easy to get caught up in our appearance, and to let a worldly focus have more of an influence on our appearance than our focus on God. Shelley has an amazing way of helping you to see that and shift your focus back to Him. God has given Shelley a wonderful gift with this message for teens, but it transcends ages. As a mom it has reminded me to fix my eyes on Him and not on me, and to ensure this is the message I teach my daughter."
--Melissa O'Neal, mother
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You can also purchase the Bible study leader's guide that goes along with the book at the link below.
NOTE: You only need one leader's guide for each group.
Get a Paperback Copy of the Leader's Guide for Teen Girls on Amazon
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"Shelley and Heather offer great, no holds barred, advice to young girls. I wish I had a copy of this book when I was still teaching high school girls. So many of them came to mind a teaching high school girls. So many of them came to mind as I was reading this book. Thank you for sharing this work with me."
~ Adele Brinkley, Editor of Mirror Mirror... Am I Beautiful?
Shelley is an ordinary girl, with struggles just like you. And yet, God is doing extra-ordinary things through this “jar of clay.” 2 Cor 4:7 says, “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.”
Shelley has a heart for teen girls that began from her own journey of finding her true beauty in Christ. She is the founder of,, where thousands of girls are reached each month around the world with God’s truth. Her openness and vulnerability as she shares her own story of hope and healing will inspire and encourage you.
Heather grew up in the church, but didn't begin a personal relationship with Jesus until her teen years. That's where her passion for ministering to today's teens came from. She was on fire for Christ, but struggled to find the help she needed to grow her faith. She began volunteering for in 2007 and took over as the ministry director in 2016.
Heather doesn't have it all together, but she's okay with that because she knows Christ has her covered when she fails. Her hope that is while she is struggling through this thing called life, she is pointing others towards Jesus along the way.
I think what you’ve done is amazing! This is a really informational site, really uplifting and it’s terrible yet comforting to know so many other girls feel the same way I do! Thank you! God is most definitely using you well.
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