Listen to Mela Kamin's song, "You're Beautiful" MP3 and download it below:
Mela Kamin is offering her song to you as a free download - "You're Beautiful" MP3 - to help you find your true beauty in Christ.
Read what Mela Kamin says about this song on her album, "Summer in My Soul."
"I'm really excited this song, 'You're Beautiful,' made it on the album. As a Mom of a preteen daughter, I really wanted to address what I think is a devastatingly large issue – negative messages. I wanted an anthem for girls (young and old) that reminds us to guard our minds against all the messages that can beat you down. The images we see in magazines and on TV and in movies, are all so overwhelming and hard to live up to.
I remember being a teenager and feeling very insecure. I let the wrong people tell me the wrong things and I didn’t have the affirmation from God’s word to keep me filled up and my head on straight. I took it all to heart and for a long time, I believed I wasn’t pretty enough, good enough, smart enough . . . worthy enough.
I want young girls, in particular, to remember they are BEAUTIFUL and God loves them. No one can take that away – not a classmate, a teacher, a boyfriend, an air-brushed model. The messages, overt or not, that get in, are so powerful. It’s hard to counteract them once they’ve been heard and internalized. Without God and a strong belief in His word, it’s very easy to believe what you hear from every which way.
Of course, you must be diligent – you must listen, really listen to what God would have to say. You must let the peace of God begin to open up your eyes to your beauty. You must read the Word and speak positively to yourself (and others). Speak favor, love, hope, peace and joy over those around you. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you. Tell someone what makes them beautiful to you.
I know I was given various, unique abilities that make me "me" and no one can take my place here. I know that having joy and peace and hope in Christ on the inside, will allow me to shine on the outside – better and more magnificently than any special makeup or accessory. Beauty isn’t measured in popularity or pounds. Beauty – true beauty – is seen when we love others like God loved us.
But, it took me more than 25 years to come to this realization. That’s why I wanted to write this song. No matter what, we are all God’s children – and we are BEAUTIFUL."
Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
Visit Mela Kamin's website to hear more of her music and read about her ministry. And while you're there, thank her for sharing her song, "You're Beautiful" with you!
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