Written by Shelley Hitz
What is the truth about beauty?
Before we can answer that question, we have to know what the truth is. So let’s start by looking at the word authentic. It’s another word for truth or true. Authenticity, what is it?
Think of it this way... would you rather have a homemade turkey Thanksgiving dinner or a frozen TV dinner? Would you rather have a genuine diamond ring or one with cubic zirconium? It’s a no brainer, right? We want the real stuff. The authentic. But, so often, in life, we give in and settle for less than the best. We choose the TV dinner and the cubic zirconium.
What is authenticity? What does it mean to be genuine? I believe it’s being able to accept myself and be who I really am. It’s not about what others think of me or even what others want me to be. It’s about being who I was created to be. That’s where we begin to find the truth about beauty.
I believe it’s being able to accept myself and be who I really am. It’s not about what others think of me or even what others want me to be. It’s about being who I was created to be. That’s where we begin to find the truth about beauty. |
"Authentic beauty is about being who I was created to be." |
This is a question that has stumped me many times. Let’s just brainstorm a little bit.
I know I was created by Jesus and for Jesus. “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” Colossians 1:16*. So, I was created to be God’s creation. I was created to be in a relationship with Jesus.
What else?
Romans 8:16-17 says, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.”*
Therefore, I am created to be God’s daughter and, as the daughter of a King, a Princess. With this role come both privileges and responsibilities. But, is there more?
Ephesians 3:19 says, “And to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”* The Amplified version says, “flooded with God Himself.” I am created to be filled to the measure with God’s love. That means there are no empty spots. My life is created to be full, not empty.
I am created for the display of God’s splendor (Isaiah 61:3). I am created to be a reflection of Him. I am created to become more and more like my Father. The real deal.
I am created to be beautiful.
Whoa... did that catch anyone else off guard? It did me. So many times I don’t feel beautiful. I feel the opposite. Homely and average, but not always beautiful. Created to be beautiful? That one is sometimes hard to believe, but it’s true.
Why do I settle for so much less than God’s best, striving for outward beauty and the world’s approval of how I look?
Because it’s the easy thing.
Just like popping a TV dinner in the microwave is easier than cooking a full blown turkey dinner for Thanksgiving. It will not have the same rewards or results, but it’s easier.
Plus, our culture screams at us from every billboard, commercial, TV program, movie, magazine, and every corner of the internet, that our outer beauty is what matters. That to be valued by others, we have to “look” a certain way.
They are teaching us to settle for what they say beauty is instead of embracing the truth about beauty; our authentic and true beauty given to us by our Creator. |
"True beauty given to us by our Creator." |
I see my beauty radiating from the inside out.
That when I love God with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind (Matthew 22:37), it will naturally spill over to all my relationships and every area of my life. It’s as if God’s light and beauty is in my heart, and is being pumped into every cell of my body, my brain, my muscles, my organs through my bloodstream. As long as God’s Spirit is living inside of me, I will have that beauty radiating from the inside out.
People will see the light in my eyes, they’ll be drawn to the joy in my smile, and they’ll want to find comfort in my friendship. Not because of what I look like on the outside, but because I am a reflection of Jesus.
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Shelley has a heart for teen girls that began from her own journey of finding her true beauty in Christ. She is currently serving God by helping other Christians learn to let their light shine. Connect with Shelley online: |
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