I think as females, most of us have struggled with body image lies, especially this one.
If I can change something about my body, others will finally accept me and I will be able to accept myself.
It is so easy to base our self worth on our looks and appearance because it is the first thing others see in us.
Plus, there are mirrors (or windows) everywhere that constantly remind you of your appearance.
As I started to work on this area in my life, I realized one day that I was addicted to mirrors....always checking my appearance to see if I looked okay. Some days I would feel good about what I saw and thought that my hair and/or outfit was cute. However, there were other days I couldn't wait to get home and hide.
Ever feel this way?
Note: One way to know whether or not you are also addicted to mirrors is to deliberately try to avoid them for a day or two. Like me, you may realize it's more of an obsession, or "addiction", than you realized.
What if you could change one thing about your body....what would you change?
I know what my answer is without even needing thinking about it. I bet most of you already have your answer too.
The thing I've struggled with the most regarding my body has been my acne and the scars it has left behind.
In high school I had a perfect complexion. I even remember someone commenting that my skin looked like a china doll. Well, that soon ended when I entered college.
I'm not sure exactly what caused it -- possibly the combination of bad eating habits and hormones. I thought it would just be a short phase and then be gone. But, here I am, now in my 30's and still struggling with breakouts of acne.
I've tried most everything from Mary Kay to ProActiv to Arbonne to supplements and vitamins to hormone creams, etc. Nothing has worked. Plus, I have the scars that the acne has left behind to look at everyday in the mirror.
So, how did I cope? To compensate for the acne and try to cover it up, I began wearing a lot of makeup.
One day I felt challenged by God to go out to eat with my husband, CJ, without wearing any makeup. I wasn't sure I understood correctly. Go without any makeup?? Surely not.
So I asked God, "Are you sure you want me to do this?"
You see, I was using makeup as a means of self-protection and to feel better about myself. So to go out without any makeup literally felt like I was leaving the house naked!
How embarrassing and devastating!
Well, anyway, I did end up obeying God that night and left without a trace of makeup. After a few minutes, I couldn't stand it any longer, so I asked my husband if he noticed anything different about my appearance.
He looked at me and hesitantly said, "You're wearing a new headband?"
I then asked him if he noticed anything about my makeup and he said "No, he didn't."
How ironic.
Here I felt "naked" and self conscious and he didn't even notice!
What I've learned from that experiment is that other people don't notice my imperfections nearly as much as I do. I'm much harder on myself.
Body Image Lies Women Believe is a book for women of any age. Read 26 different stories from 26 women just like you and learn how to overcome body image lies with God's truth.
Find out more and get your copy.
Submit Your Story for the Teen Edition here.
My value comes from God, my Creator, and not from my appearance and what others think of me.
God is teaching me this truth that my value comes from Him and not my outward appearance. It is okay to desire beauty -- it's a God given desire -- but not to base my self esteem on it.
I wanted to close with something a friend of mine, Annika Lampmann, wrote.
My precious daughter, Your body is not an object.
I made you fearfully and wonderfully. My works are marvelous and your soul can believe this. (Psalms 139:14)
You are BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT, just as you are.
All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.(Song of Solomon 4:7)
Look at yourself through my eyes and be amazed.
Your Dad, Your God, Your Creator.
“Father, show me my beauty. Show me what you see when you look at me and show me what you put inside my heart. I want to be rooted in your love and bloom like a beautiful rose.
Fill me up with your spirit and with your thoughts. Let me see others and myself through your eyes, Jesus. Amen.”
John Cooney, in one of his Grapevine newsletters, rewrote this many years ago (original author unknown):
"YOU'RE REALLY SPECIAL! You really are! In all the world there's no one like you. Never has been. Never will be.
No one has your eyes, your nose, your hair, your hands, your voice, your smile. You're special!
No one anywhere has exactly your handwriting, exactly your finger-prints, exactly your tastes in food or music or TV. Since the beginning of time, there's been no one who laughs like you, no one who cries like you, no one who sees things just the way you do. You're special.
Look, you're the only one on this planet who's got your set of abilities. Sure there'll always be someone who's better at some of the things you're good at—but no one in the entire universe has your unique combination of talents and skills, dreams and feelings.
No one else through all eternity will ever look, talk, walk, think or do the way you do. You're special. You're rare. And like anything that's rare, you're valuable.
That's why you don't need to copy your friends. You can accept—yeah, you can celebrate—your differences! You can risk being yourself.
Hey, you're no ACCIDENT. God made you special for a very special purpose. He's got a job for you that no one else can do as well. Out of all the billions of applicants, only one is qualified. Only one has what it takes.
That one is YOU...because you're special!"
What do faith, fat, and fitness have in common?
You might be suprised.
Read more in this post.
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Shelley has a heart for teen girls that began from her own journey of finding her true beauty in Christ. She is currently serving God by helping other Christians learn to let their light shine. Connect with Shelley online: |
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Also, you can add in what ways the lie below has impacted your self esteem and your relationship with God or others.
The Lie: "If I can change something about my body, others will finally accept me and I will be able to accept myself."
You read my story about my acne, now it's time to tell yours. I look forward to hearing your stories!
Click below to read other's comments and view their pictures
Not true
Most people that don't want to be your friend and don't want to hang out anymore because you are fat or ugly aren't real friends or very nice people. And …
Not the Popular Girl
At my school there is this group of girls that are very popular. I always waned to be like them. I try to get skinny like them, listen to the same music …
The "Not Skinny" Girl
I've always thought that you had to look like a Barbie Doll, but I'm totally wrong!
I don't need to look like a beautiful Barbie with long hair. I …
One Thing About My Body...
There is 1 thing I would want to change about my body and that would be my birthmark it is on my left check. Sometime's I wish didn't have it cause some …
As long as I know myself, I've always been silent in front of my classmates, my relatives, even my close ones. Acne is a different case but for me I thought …
Eating Disorder
I would like to change the way I look at myself as disgusting and not good enough just because guys and people have treated me like it's all about the …
Freckles, Clumsy, and Red Hair
As a young girl, people, even "friends", made fun of my freckles and red hair. I wanted so bad to somehow make my freckles and hair go away. In fourth …
Why I'm not good enough..,
When I get anything below 100 on a test...
I'm not good enough.
When my acne shows through my heavy makeup...
I'm not good enough.
When my face …
A word never used to describe me...
Beautiful is never a word used to describe me... Unless your my mom. Honestly, I am the ugly duckling out of my family of 5 daughters. I feel like I am …
Reading the comments here makes me realize that I should be thankful to what God has given me. I have small extremities, not proportion to my body and …
That one thing...
I struggle a lot with self esteem issues... I hate how I look. I have a lot of things I would change, but there is that one thing... my weight. It just …
flat plains
Ok, so I just started to develop. All of my other friends developed in elementary school. At this point in my life a lot of the boys are only interested …
I'm 14 turning 15 in 2 months and I way 165 pounds and I am 5 foot 4 inches. My brothers call me fat... I know I'm overweight, they don't need to say it... …
thighs and stomach
i would change my thighs and my stomach
today at school we were talking about natural beauty and it got me thinking that yes i may think that i'm fat …
This is me!
My name is Kaylee and I'm 14yo. After reading some things here about what we think about ourselves I'm kinda scared. Yes I am on a diet. No I don't …
My Weight
I have a problem with my weight. When I was in 2nd grade, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. I was on a medication that decreased my appetite and made me lose …
Beauty behind the mask
My beauty is hidden behind the mask. The mask that was attached to my face since twelve. I can't keep going on and act like I love the way I am. I hate …
is this me?
i am the type of girl nobody wants to be around because im different. i got so depressed that i trashed myself. i put on a ton of weight, which depressed …
Always Runner-Up
I feel like I always come in 2nd. I feel like I'm always the runner-up, the follower. Not only in school, work, actions, and in my family, but in my looks. …
I don't see how I'm normal
I'm 12 years old and I'm the smallest person in my entire high school.I'm small in both height and weight. My doctors say that I am normal, but I don't …
I am a Dancer
I am a 13 year old dancer, which makes it MUCH worse for me because you have to wear tights and usually booty shorts (which make me see my butt as huge) …
I don't really know where to start. When I was in 6th grade, the boys in my class made fun of me a lot. That summer I started swimteam. I slimmed and …
Am I fat??
I am a young teen girl thirteen this summer and for about a year now I have been struggling with my body image I am 5 foot even and I weigh 170 lbs I look …
how did i get this way??
When I was young I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound 109 pounds from 7th grade till age 20 after having my beautiful children I was even …
nobody's truly perfect
I woke up this morning thinking I wish I was skinnier and prettier than I really am but nobody truely perfect so why try to be something your not.
If only I was like my friends
I constantly compare myself to my best friends. They are all so beautiful and all the guys like them instead of me. Its like i don't even exist. I am 5'8 …
Dealing With Scoliosis
I realised I had scoliosis in grade six, when I was constantly reminded by my mother to stand straight. At first I did not really understand what she meant …
Taylor Swift Knows What She's Talking About…
If I could change something about my body, it would most likely be my middle section or my hair. I am a muscly kind of girl, the kind built for cold weather …
part of the journey
For a long time, growing up my father called me fat, told me to lose weight. He said I was disgusting, and any time I would try to eat in front of him …
Struggling with hurt
Hi I am Jordan I often question am I beautiful. I often feel like most girls at my school are so skinny like size 2 I look in the mirror and say I am fat …
I'm 13 and I HATE my stomach. It's so fat, sometime I even think about not eating, or puking. I've done both before but never constantly. I really just …
If i could change anything about me, Is how i see myself.
I Hate how i look at my self in the mirror everyday and always find my flaws.
I mean i got a hair cut about 5 months ago and it was bad and my self esteem …
everything I would change
there is lots of this i would change about my body, only because when your 13 you want to be perfect, and impress boys. The things i would change is my …
Don't Worry
I struggle with acne too. It has just been really bad recently. I am a sophomore in high school, and until now, I haven't had a lot of problems with it. …
New School, New Look
My parents decided to send me to boarding school this year, so I decided to completely change my look. I dyed, highlighted, and chemically straightened …
I'm 13 and I am 5'3 and weigh……245.5......it has gotten so out of control over the last 3 yrs.!!! I have gained over 70 in a year and that is very …
Every girl has someting they dont like about themselves and they feel they should change so they can be happy. For me its my stomach. i wish it was a tad …
When I was younger it didn't really bother me that much but now it seems like it's all I worry about :(
I have ILVEN on my leg and it's kind of a rare …
Compare Yourself to Christ
Here I was, 9, getting my books from my locker, looking around to start my daily routine of boosting up my confidence. I compared my outfit to the next …
my weight
one thing i would love to change is my weight because people say that im overweighht for my age i know that its not cool so i went to god and this book. …
no t-shirts
i sufer from acne too. it is all over my arms along with the scars. because of it i no longer wear t-shirts or tank tops. when i put a shirt on the first …
Caught up in the past.
Hi, my name is Rebeca and when I was younger I was teased about my weight. I struggled even being in a christian atmosphere. Girls would ask me if I had …
My problem of being overweight.
Hi Im Kiara. I'm 15 years old and i'm 5'1 and i weigh 160lbs. I hate the way i look. I try so hard to lose weight but it seems like im just exercising …
there is something rough about me...
i remember that when i was a little girl i sometimes was with my neighbors who had more money than we had; it was like their place looked like royal or …
u r special and always will b
It is true you are special,god gave you a face for everyone like me.I don`t have the best body type,I am skinny some people say I am too skinny but I am …
God sent this site to me
I really think that this website was really created for me. I am very insecure about myself all the time. I have acne problems, I don't like it when people …
Our biggest fight.
I've been dating the same guy for 2 years. And for 2 years we've only had serious fights over one thing. Me. I'm not fat - I only weigh 108 lbs. I'm not …
He Thinks I'm Beautiful
Almost every week, I find something about myself that I don't like. It's usually my weight (I've gained more weight than I like). When I tell this to my …
why us??
the girls never get to say their side when boys are around. They tell the girls in our school we are ugly. Why does it have to the girls? what should i …
I've been dealing with an eating disorder for over 35 years..have lost most of my teeth...my hair's been falling out...I'm sick and tired of being sick …
Just a God Thing.
I just got a comment on a picture on another website, and it wasn't too nice. I decided to come to this website and I found this. God showed me this and …
Do looks matter??
Does looks matter? Would people still be my friend if I had pimples? Would people still be my friends if my clothes, weren't the best? would people still …
Body Image lie
Hi Am Pat and I have always felt that if I somehow managed to lose or gain weight that I would look better or people would like me better. But I have come …
Wishful Thinking..
If I can change something about my body,it will be a couple of things. First my skin complexion. Besides, my father, who I barely see, is light or brown …
Her value more than rubies or pearls...
From an early age my self esteem was crushed. I was bullied for my looks and ridiculed for the person I am. So what do you do when the world rejects …
I have acne all over
I hope,I could vanish all acne, acne scars and skin discoloration (I think it is because I'm overweight). My face is very oily,I've tried to go to spa …
If I could change anything... I'd change my eyes
I have bags under them, ever since I was little, an inheritance from both parents. But I guess it was also my own sleep neglect that I had when I was younger. …
Curly Beauty Disaster and Crush Crazy
I have Curly hair and people are always like "Your hair is so beautiful." But I don't like my hair it is frizz and I always have split ends and I CAN'T …
Hey everyone, my name is April, and I am a 6 foot size 16, 16 year old giant! I say all the time that being big doesn't bother me but it really does. I've …
Transformed by others' testimonials and your book <3
Hi, I would like to write a bit of my own struggles here but I also want to add how much your book and bible study book has also helped me. Thank you so …
Body Dysmosrphic Disorder
I have been told that I have it, but I don't think it is a problem. I won't be happy till I look I feel I should. I had a chance to do it, but I listend …
I am good looking, but I am going to have some botox, nose job and liposuction. I want to be better looking than I am now. I workout eat right and use …
mixed life.
I have people tell me i look pretty all of the time, but coming in to high school, a lot of people find imperfections about me, and its hard to listen …
The two things i would love to change about my body;
1- My height (I am five feet two inches). I have always wished i were taller because then perhaps i could command more respect
2-My waistline (a bit too …
Fears and Nightmares
I know this is going to sound totally and completely strange, but, I have a fear of something happening.
I have the weirdest fears that pop up sometimes, …
Thanks alot
I really appericate your lesson they are very inspirational and true . It's always easier to look at your faults then your actuall beauty. I feel like …
just not pretty
hi my name is diane. i have no qualities.
what can make me stop thinking this?
On the brink of collapsing
Usually I come onto this website to give people advice, but now, I'm the one needing it.
I think a lot of people on here know my story, I was bullied …
What Do I Believe?
I was built differently than other girls. I was always first, second tallest girl in my class. That was an upside. Downside, I think I'll still grow, but …
Sometimes I struggle with small things that I don't like about myself. But then I remember that physical beauty is not what's important in this life. It's …
Even if you think you are not pretty, something like your nose or your smile has to be pretty. If you look close enough, you will find it.
I Wanna Feel Beautiful
90% of the time, I don't like what's reflected in the mirror. I see chubby cheeks, a round face, bags, flat hair, practically nonexistent breasts (literally, …
Becoming Me
I had always struggled with my self-image. Girls at my school told me that when I hit the ground, the earth shook. I wasn't even close to fat. I had broad …
The Change
I'm a 16 year old girl, and the last thing on my mind is the positives of my body. I was a chubby little kid, but i would always hit a growth spurt and …
I have trouble with bags under my eyes...I was born with them they always always make me look tired and i dont like the way they look.
All my life I've had a really wide, almost flat nose. Not trying to sound conceited, but I'm not ugly at all, I've always been pretty attractive. Well …
My weight
ok you know weight is hard on us girls. i would change my weight if i could. i have tried to work it off but it won't work so i quit trying!
Drowning much?
when i was 8 i started dieting. by the time i was 10 i could name 2 things i liked about my body. when i was 13 i started cutting. i am now 16, i still …
What's wrong with me?
For years, i struggled with self esteem issues.. I'm a 14 year old girl going to public school with acne and weight problems. I'm a natural swimmer and …
I thought If I could lose weight I would have the perfect body
My name is Barbie,
Growing up as a young girl I have always been bigger than I wanted to be. I tryed all kind of diets and it just seemed like nothing …
Beauty is a word that i will never be able to use while describing myself. My life started out with Jesus being the main product in my life but as i have …
How I've changed
Im Hayley and im 13 years old, since ive started high school ive started to see my self in a different way then what i used to, I think this is many because …
ummm...i have couple of things...
I’m 19 years old now. I have been struggling with myself on and off. It comes and goes. I think it started since I was 12-13 years old. All my life I have …
80 pounds strength
I'm incredibly thin... 80 pounds....But I'm 22. I was always thin, and after I had my child I lost 30 pounds. I suffered terrible depression since, dealing …
I do not have to be perfect
I like to change my perspective on how I see the world and than myself.
For my physical beauty I would like bigger breasts. I am naturally thin girl …
i hated my look until now
i hated how i look til now i felt like i am fat i don't have acne but i felt fat all the time when i have cake or ice cream or sugar i felt fat i felt …
Weight Issues
Im in year 10 and at the moment i came across you site while researching body image issues for teens as an english research project. I have very low self …
way to fat?!
one guy in my school always says that i have weight loss pills in my back pack... when i tell him I dont he says to get some them!!!! i fell into a depression …
When I start Ignoring Invites
When I enter college. I gained 40 pounds and its just do . I suffer with an eating disorder. Binge eating disorder to b e specific. I think about …
jealous :(
hi im alice and i am 12. pretty much the only time when i am happy is when i am with my friends. and even then i do not feel very happy. my best friends …
I would change a few things..
I am a sophomore in high school. And also apart of the cheer leading team. Sports is a priority at our school. And here comes the bad news...i have a major …
We are all special and unique
that's wonderful reading I've just done. i have to agree in that we are all special and unique in our own ways. it's just that people refuse to open there …
Bad teeth!
when my mother tried to wean me off the bottle, i was around 2. sad to say, i was a very stubborn child. everytime my mother tried to give me a cup instead …
if i could just be thin
i still feel pretty self conscious about the way my body looks. i never really liked my body. A lot of my friends are thin and they dont even work out. …
beautiful scars
i know i am so beautiful. i love my face, my features..i love them so much. but i cannot accept the scars that acne left on my face.
why cant i accept …
I'm 14 and I want to be fatter
I saw this site and it kind of reassured me about my body image. I'm a pretty teen, quite clever but I'm very skinny even though I eat alot more than my …
I am a greasy little(not that little) monkey, and I don't care anymore!
When I wake up in the morning I have a greasy, gross feeling face, and greasy hair. I absolutely HAVE to take a shower, or I feel like a dork.
But guess …
Acne is horrible
well just like you i do now actually struggle with acne (it sucks really bad).I started to have acne when i was in the sixth grade. i was always shy to …
be virtuous
i just want to say you have to read prov. 31:30....
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." …
Ever since the start of High School..
I fell into this depression of self-hate. I hated the way i looked, walked, talked, acted; everything. I fell into the dark stages of my life. I switched …
My Body, My Face
I hate my body. Even my mom said that I should lose weight. I'm not obese, but I have a little too much stomach fat. I feel like kids my own age are uncomfortable …
Go Figure
I have an "hourglass" figure and have had it since I was about ten years old. I have friends and a sister who are always saying they admire my curves but …
My body - being bow legged
Well if I could change one thing about my body I would change the fact that I'm bow legged. I would change this because I'm really skinny and my legs look …
My body and getting thin enough
Hey. Ok. I'm 13. I always thought I was too fat to be loved by anyone. I used to eat when I was upset. It was a cycle. Eat...go to school...eat...come …
My everything
i always had something that i would want to change about myself starting from the way i walk because one leg is shorter than the other and because of my …
Thunder Thighs
I'm 16 years-old. 5'2" and 124 lbs. I guess you can say that's average. I'm very active in sports. I love to run and to do gymnastics; I used to cheer. …
Struggled with body image for years...
I'm 22 years old and in college. During my middle and high school years, I used to think that something was physically wrong with me. It's the fact that …
My height- my voice-my face
im so short and i hear my voice and its really low and people dont say anything about it but it bothers me so much to hear such a low voice coming from …
Exercise More
If I exercise more I would feel better about myself and not care what others think.
What I Thought Was Wrong With Me
I always thought I was overweight. I had a reasoning for it, too. My thighs are kinda big, I thought because every time I sat down, they looked as if they …
What I would change about my body?
One thing I would change about my body is the size of my blue jeans...instead of a size 14 in juniors maybe like a size 7 or 8
Thought I was too fat to be loved....
I'm not sure where to start...
Well basically the lie that I've believed for a long time was that I was too fat for any guy to like me. Like I believed …
If I could do that I would love my life because I really want to lose more weight but my friends and my family tell me no cause I am perfect the way I …
Too true, being content with the way God made me
I can identify with a lot of what you've said. I'm a teenage girl and I don't wear makeup. That's mostly because I don't know the first thing about it …
God does not want me to cry....
My name is Natalie and I am twenty two years old. As I started to write this, I began to cry! I've typed only a few words and I am already in tears. I …
My Body Image Lie - Being "Jelly"
..ahhmm..well probably you're very right about "The Lie: "If I can change something about my body, others will finally accept me and I will be able to …
If I can change something about my body...
I would think I would want to change my hair. I have a weird hair color.
Luann 101 my body image story
I can definitely relate to Shelley if ever she's the one who has a story about acne and stuff. I'm suffering from acne and acne scars too...
My self …
wow am i fat or what!
I have not always thought I was fat. My addiction with my size did not start until my freshman year in high school. It seems as though once I started verbally …
My body image lie - my acne
I had acne problems because I wear framed glasses and the dirt collects on the frame and causes me acne. I've used a lot of products and they don't work...at …
Nappy Hair - My Body Image Story
I am not quite a teenager anymore, but I wanted to share my story...
I have had lots of body image issues, but one that God has recently brought me …
my nose....
I always have had a problem with my nose as it's too big. Whenever I make new friends, I always get a feeling that they don't like talking to me much …
See video with some eye opening body image statistics here.
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Get the Books!
Candid Conversations -
Read real life stories from real Christian women, and discover how God has used their struggles to either refine their faith or used their faith to help them weather the storm.
Get your copy here
Body Image Lies Women Believe - Read 26 different stories from 26 women and learn how to overcome body image lies with God's truth.
Get your copy here
Broken Crayons Still Color - Shelley Hitz shares how our biggest regrets, failures and mistakes become what God uses the most in our lives.
Get your copy here
Worthy To Be Loved - We're told that purity is precious; that our virginity is a gift. So what happens once that "gift" has been opened? Join Jessica in this book to find out.
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