Okay, here's the deal. We want to provide free Christian downloads that can help you walk with God in a deeper way. Free. Yep, you read it right... FREE!! We will continue to add new things, so make sure to check back often.
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When you subscribe to our "Find Your True Beauty" newsletter you'll receive a free digital copy of our book, Mirror Mirror... Am I beautiful? The book comes with a study guide you can use on your own or in a group. You can find out more about the book here. Subscribe in the sidebar, or by clicking here. |
Note: If you are a leader and want a copy of the leader's guide - Click here.
Get our free wallpaper to spruce up your computer... and help encourage you in your journey to true beauty!
Click here to see all of our free wallpaper options.
Start your day off by putting on your spiritual makeup. This poster includes five prayers you can pray in front of the mirror to help your inner beauty shine.
These prayers are based off a devotional submitted by Erin Offermann.
Download the "Spiritual Makeup" Poster
Download and print these cards off to put on your mirror, in your locker, your bedroom or car as reminders of your True Beauty! It will open as a PDF, right click and choose "save as" to save a copy to your computer.
We want to thank Dianna Janus for designing these True Beauty cards for this ministry!
Download the True Beauty Cards Here
What defines you? Check out these posters, print them off and find out what truly defines you! They will open as a PDF, right click and choose "save as" to save a copy to your computer.
Download the "Definition of Me" Poster #1
Download the "Definition of Me" Poster #2
We want to thank Courtney Graham for designing
these posters for this ministry!
Are you struggling with forgivness? Or need some new verses to memorize? Print off these cards and be encouraged by God's Word! They will open as a PDF, right click and choose "save as" to save a copy to your computer.
Download the Forgiveness Scriptures #1
Download the Forgiveness Scriptures #2
We want to thank Megan Six for designing these scripture cards for this ministry!
Our view God can change everything! If we see him as distant, uncaring and unapproachable, then we may have less desire to connect with Him. However, when we see God in a more healthy way as loving, faithful, just and know that He is everywhere we will realize that he does care and is always with us wanting to connect with us. This will draw us closer to Him.
Print off these cards and be encouraged by God's Word! They will open as a PDF, right click and choose "save as" to save a copy to your computer. If you want to learn more about God, visit the DiscoverGod.com website.
If you struggle with feelings of loneliness or depression, I would recommend downloading this MP3 and listening to it on your MP3 player. Maybe listen to it as you are getting ready to sleep or before your time with God in the mornings. It is a great reminder that we are not alone.
Right click and choose "save as" to download to your computer
Written and recorded
by Shelley Hitz
This is cool because if you put your name in one box, it will automatically personalize a bunch of scriptures for you! It helps you get the truth of what God thinks about you into your mind.
Download this excel file to discover who your really are!
(It will open as a .zip file)
Looking for free teen girl devotionals? Look no further! Sign up today for FREE and start receiving these encouraging devotionals in your e-mail inbox! Sorry guys...this is for girls only :)
Sign up for our teen girl devos here.
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Get the Books!
Candid Conversations -
Read real life stories from real Christian women, and discover how God has used their struggles to either refine their faith or used their faith to help them weather the storm.
Get your copy here
Body Image Lies Women Believe - Read 26 different stories from 26 women and learn how to overcome body image lies with God's truth.
Get your copy here
Broken Crayons Still Color - Shelley Hitz shares how our biggest regrets, failures and mistakes become what God uses the most in our lives.
Get your copy here
Worthy To Be Loved - We're told that purity is precious; that our virginity is a gift. So what happens once that "gift" has been opened? Join Jessica in this book to find out.
Get your copy here
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