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While we would love to provide you with all the information you need to find your true beauty on this website, we know that it's not really possible. So we wanted to share some other resources we recommend.
We hope you will find these resources helpful in your journey towards finding your true beauty in Christ.
And don't forget, you can find our resources here.
NIV Journal The Word Bible for Teen Girls I love my journaling Bible, and this is step up with questions to help you ponder God's Word. |
Worthy To Be Loved by Jessica L. Wright We're told that purity is precious; that our virginity is a gift. So what happens once that "gift" has been opened? Join Jessica in this book to find out. |
The Power of a Praying Teen by Stormie Omartain Stormie Omartain has a whole series of praying books, this one for teenagers is the perfect one to start with. |
The Teens Guide to Social Media Social media is amazing. But like everything, it has it's downfalls. This book by Jonathan McKee comes highly recommended. |
Dare Greatly by Hannah Duggan This is a ten week Bible study about thriving in your high school years. |
Need help discovering your true beauty? Check out the books on this page.
On this page you'll find some of the websites we recommend... ones that we have found helpful as well as ones submitted by other women and girls.
This page has a list of places you can find modest clothing online. We try to keep it updated, but use your best judgement and make sure you check the prices.
While our devotionals are written with teens in mind, you can find devotionals we recommend for younger teens / pre-teens on this page.
This is our brother ministry. It's still in the early stages of development, but if you have a teen guy in your life, check it out.
Click here for weekly devos or to find out more!
Get the Books!
Candid Conversations -
Read real life stories from real Christian women, and discover how God has used their struggles to either refine their faith or used their faith to help them weather the storm.
Get your copy here
Body Image Lies Women Believe - Read 26 different stories from 26 women and learn how to overcome body image lies with God's truth.
Get your copy here
Broken Crayons Still Color - Shelley Hitz shares how our biggest regrets, failures and mistakes become what God uses the most in our lives.
Get your copy here
Worthy To Be Loved - We're told that purity is precious; that our virginity is a gift. So what happens once that "gift" has been opened? Join Jessica in this book to find out.
Get your copy here
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