I would change a few things..

by Dawnn

I am a sophomore in high school. And also apart of the cheer leading team. Sports is a priority at our school. And here comes the bad news...i have a major gap between me teeth. And everyone notices. I have had braces that did not do much at all and everyone always asks what has happened to my teeth so now what i do is smile with my lips and no teeth.

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Jun 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Man I know how that must feel, I kind of have a problem with my teeth (and I haven't been to the dentist's yet :P), like, my front two teeth sort of overlap! I look at myself in the mirror and tell my self that I am pretty no matter what, but then lately its looks like my teeth have been overlaping further, so its kind of scary. But then I would suggest you go see and professional orthodontist, cuz I'm sure there's a solution to that. And, please do smile and flash those sparkly teeth, cuz there's nothing as wholesome to a smile than when your teeth shows.

p.s. i secretly envy people with gaps, cuz i think that gives them such a cute look :P

Jul 03, 2009
by: Amber

Hello sister,

I must say that I understand what you are going through,but what I want to tell you is that you are beautifully created in the image of God and there is no other beauty than that girlfriend. I think gaps are cute! You see beauty comes in different shapes and sizes. Just because your teeth are uniquely spaced doesnt mean that you are unattractive. It just means thats the way God wanted your teeth to be shaped. IT does not take away from your beauty sweet heart. SO the next time someone has something negative to say about it ignore them and if it really bothers you, then tell them that you appreciate their admiration of your beauty! Just like that! God loves you, so you should love yourself.

Hope it helped love!

Amber E

Jul 04, 2009
trust God
by: loved by God

I too had a gap in my teeth for quite sometime…but before it was corrected I used to pray for God to do set it right. A few years later God actually did provide for me to get it corrected, but I had to live with it through most of my teens. But my one consolation was that maybe somehow, somewhere in the future even my defect woud be used for God's glory. I don't know if you have heard about Amy Carmichael. She was a missionary to China and India. God used her to rescue many baby girls and boys who were sold in to a lifetime of misery as servants to the idols, in India. She was Irish and was born with brown eyes. But she always longed for blue eyes and used to pray everyday that her eyes would be blue. Unfortunately they were still brown! But in God's sovereign plan that He had thought of even before the world was made, Amy was given brown eyes. She did not understand it till she reached India. Whenever she went on rescue missions, she would darken her skin so that she would pass for an Indian ( because foreigners were not allowed inside the temples- it would be defiled if a foreigner entered). If she had blue eyes she never would have been allowed inside. But her brown eyes made her look like a high class Indian woman and so she was able to rescue many from the evil clutches of wicked men and women.

I'd like to leave a passage for you from the Bible. Let Jesus be everything in your life and all the other desires will slowly fade away and you will find that Jesus is more than enough for you! The most important thing in life is God and getting to know Him. When you're priority is right everything else automatically falls into position.

Psalms 139

 13For you formed my inward parts;
   you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works;
   my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,
   intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them,
   the days that were formed for me,
   when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand.

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