Science: Creation vs. Evolution Bible Study
by Bekah
Your Bible Study Topic:
In science your teacher could be talking about how this animal could have gotten here, where has it was evolved from, and how this land form was once a tiny formation 6,000,000,years ago, how?. I think inside of my head I know how! God made it! That is the true answer, but unfortunately I am not allowed to speak my inner thoughts like that in school.
My question to you is, How Can WE Stand up in Science Class?
God’s Word (the bible verses for your study):
If you are looking for reference that is is true proof, God made everything, Genesis 1 and 2 are filled with the creation and packed with the perfect reason everything is here, God saw it, and said it was good.
Think About it (discussion questions that can be used in a group or for individuals):
Why do people think so hard to prove our answer that God created everything wrong? They know inside that is true, but like every human, they have that need to feel always right. People will go doing the silliest things to prove you wrong sometimes, and you have to take a stand for your belief in God.
Do you sometimes have that urge to be right when you know it is wrong? Discuss this with yourself,or your group.
Meditate On it (What does this mean to me? How can I apply it to my own life? Suggest a verse to memorize.):
How can we take a stand? This question is deep, and I want you to think hard about it. Take out a notebook and pen to be investigator Nancy Drew in your heart. How CAN YOU take a stand for Christ? Write ideas down, and don't just leave the page in your journal and occasionally look at it and forget about what you were supposed to tell, say, or even do in class today. Take it out, put it your locker, on your bathroom mirror at home, or even if you have to, put on you shoe! Anywhere where you will see it and remember that In the beginning, God made the heavens and the Earth
Genesis 1:1, and you are proud of it.
Conclusion (any final thoughts, stories):
Have you been having the same problem in science? Maybe you are like me and science is your favorite subject. Sometimes I can get caught up in the amazing things in science and forget that the reason why our ecosystems work, the reasons why our plates under the crust move, the reason why our human body is so complex and everything has a job, and the reason wt our solar system is so colossal, is because of our God. It is great to love science, it is probably one that will come in handy for any job, I am not telling you to fail it, I am telling you to work extra hard in it, for your God in heaven to smile upon you.
Closing Prayer:
Dear God, I love you and all that you do. I love the beautiful birds you created, the treetops you carved, the air and blue sky, lord it is all so amazing. I pray that you help me have opportunity to take my stand for you. And in you name I pray,
Read more about Creation vs. Evolution here