What about one pieces?

by Samantha Lane
(Arlington Mn)

Hey there! im a 13, going on 14, and im wondering all there suggestions ur offering, seem like they dont approve of one pieces either. are the immodest? even if they cover just about ALL of you? but there are alot of different one piece styles, like the open back, v-neck ones. are they ok? because they aren't AS bad as bikinis.?

im SOOOO struggling with this at home. i want to wear bikinis, because,like i've heard "you have this nice body for a while, why not flaunt it a little?" , and i want to look "hot" or "sexy" is that so wrong? me and mom argue alot about what kind of swimming suit i should wear. and the brands you've suggested, i really do not like. is there a solution? or am i going to have to DREAD swim suit season till i move out?


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Modesty is the best policy!
by: Grace

I'm 14, I have grown up in a modest home all my life, and haven't been taught a whole bunch of rules, but the reseans why I should want to dress a certain way, and do certain things. I reliezed if we as Christians are to be different than the world then we shouldn't imatate the worlds dress or standerds for life.
(I am curently wearing board shorts, and a t-shirt over a one piece for swimming. I did have a wholesome wear suit, but out grew it, and they are fairly exspenseve)
Being "sexy" or "hott" isn't everything, it's giving God the glory that will matter.
On Judgement day everything we ever did will be tried, even how many men we caused to lust after us. We are acountable for the way we dress, and act around men. So something that seems so "harmless" can really matter for etrenity.
I have always been in a battle between God and my flesh, God's way is a much higher standered then what our flesh says is right. Saten has made it to where it is embaressing for girls to go to the pool without uncovering almost everything. Let me tell you, if you dress modestly to the pool people will notice. Some may think you're an alian (arn't we called to be alians to this world? Hmm...) but what others think shouldn't ever matter, what God thinks of us does.
Not only that but in Provebs 31 it say that a virtuous women will do her husband good ALL the days of her life. That means even before you meet him you are to do him good. So save yourself for your husband, don't leave him the leftovers.
This is just another battle that Saten has eased his way into, so next time you're trying to diside what to wear to go swimming consider this, is it God honoring or flesh honoring?

I'm praying for willingness
by: Linda

Thank you for your wisdom, honesty and setting a loving example to your peers. Your posting helped me a lot, too.

I am far from being a teen but have joined a Pentecostal church for the first time in my life and find the dress standards to be a million miles from those of the world but, as you say, Christians should show that they are different. In the past month or so I have stopped wearing pants, stopped using make-up, stopped colouring or cutting my hair, but I am struggling on this swimwear issue.

I am overweight and have high cholesterol and God seems to have recently given me the motivation to exercise by swimming early in the morning. I live in the Caribbean and it is just about possible to swim all year round. I live in a condo complex and whilst there are rarely men about at the time I swim, it is not impossible that someone should pass by the pool. I am wearing high fronted, one piece bathing suites with decent legs, but I am sure that my church would still find this unacceptable with regards to modesty. I think any form of swimwear would be out, unless it were a skirt below the knee. Whilst I should be too old to care about other people's opinion I am struggling with the idea of trying to swim in a long skirt!

It has been a big blow to my vanity to give up the things I describe above. I wouldn't have regarded myself as vain but I feel as though I have aged about 10 years since giving up these things(I am 55), despite the Bible talking about honour in grey hair etc. My husband prefers my appearance now that, in his view, I am honouring God, so that is a help.

I am sure God will guide me on this issue, too. I have come so far in such a short time and my main motivation in taking the exercise is to maintain my health to serve God, not for vanity. I know there are other forms of exercise and it may be that I have to become willing to take that route instead of swimming, but...

I know within Christianity there are vastly different views on what constitutes modesty, and some churches seem to pay it no heed at all, but as my husband believes that the standards we are following in our church are God's truth, and I want to honour God and my husband, then this is the path I am on. Please pray for guidance and willingness for me.

1-Piece Swimwear is Great!
by: Danielle

Hi There!

I'm a married Christian woman, and this is the resolve that I've come to:

1) It is our responsibility as women to dress our bodies in a modest, respectable way.

2) It is a man's responsibility to keep his eyes and heart in check.

When I was deciding about the style of swimwear that was right for me, there were two qualifications - fashionable & modest.

I do not want to feel unattractive - just covered up! :) I would feel too ridiculous in a swimdress or wholesome wear.

I have decided that my standard for swimwear is a one-piece or tankini which covers my chest, mid-section and bottom entirely.

Remember: Modesty is a two-way street!

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